The Challenge of Climate Change

Since the discovery of its impact on the planet, climate change has been regularly contemplated and argued. A report by the UN Environment outlined an increase in emissions during 2017 due to global economic growth and weak efforts to improve energy efficiency. Whilst many know the consequences of greenhouse gases, few know what climate change definitively … Read more

Less time on-site: less impact to student life

With many of their buildings dating back to the 1970’s and student numbers continuing to rise, many of our schools are looking to increase or improve their facilities. However, the implications of doing so are often high costs, disruption to student life and damage to the school site. Traditionally constructed school buildings can involve months … Read more

How to Generate Income for Your School

Schools are experiencing unprecedented difficulties with funding. Many are faced with trying to educate more students with less money. There is increasing reliance on parents to raise necessary funds, but resources can only be stretched so far. In order to meet the basic educational needs of their students, schools are having to cut funding for … Read more

New funding options make new school buildings a reality

The need to replace dilapidated and disused school buildings will always be a hurdle for schools to overcome; with NetZero Buildings, the capital build price and running costs are both lower than a traditionally built alternative. All of our new buildings are designed to meet the ESFA’s Output Specification with additional benefits that far out-weigh … Read more

CIF school building funding application help

Planning a new 6thform or expansion building? How about replacing old buildings no longer fit for purpose? Crucial to any school’s budget is ensuring you apply for the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF). How long does it take to apply? The anticipated December due date for funding applications is rapidly approaching. Whether you are working with … Read more

Hothouse Earth – What can we do to help?

With the possibility of soaring hot temperatures hitting the Earth and ‘hotter than average’ days soon becoming the norm, is there anything we can do to help the situation? We are continually working towards devising a better way of living and scientists are developing methods to reduce our CO2 emissions and our carbon footprint. However … Read more

4 net zero energy lessons

With reductions in funding adding increasing pressure to school budgets, making energy efficiency savings can be considered as a viable method to generate income. Providing a sustainable environment for future generations and a state-of-the-art learning experience for teaching and pupils, is something schools should consider within their development. We design and construct the UK’s most … Read more

Net Zero Buildings awarded place on the ESFA framework

Net Zero Buildings is delighted to announce it has been awarded the first of only three highly coveted places on Lot 2 of the ESFA secondary blocks modular construction framework. The new Construction Framework is designed to support the delivery of the ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency) school building programmes and is available for … Read more