Net Zero Buildings partners with Points4Planet to pioneer “empowering” green initiative for schools


Net Zero Buildings partners with Points4Planet to pioneer “empowering” green initiative for schools

Net Zero Buildings (NZB) has partnered with Points4Planet (P4P), a social impact organisation committed to empower young people to work towards a greener future. .

Fuelled by the growing concern about climate change from the nation’s young people, the pioneering collaboration will support P4P’s continued growth as they aim to enable more than 2,000 schools, local authorities, and businesses to implement effective ways to reduce their carbon footprints within the next year.

P4P was founded after CEO Gary Hicks was inspired by a thought-provoking question from his six-year-old granddaughter, who asked how she could contribute to environmental causes. Driven by her vision for change, Gary launched the self-funded venture, in which schools are required to answer sustainability surveys to help calculate their carbon footprint. Their efforts are summarised in an easy-to-understand key dial, which utilises a points system called Planet Influencer Points (PIPs).

These points assess the school’s commitment to green practices and can influence real-world environmental projects driven by leading organisations such as Greggs and Travis Perkins, who are already keen supporters of the initiative.

The initiative seamlessly aligns with the Department for Education’s (DfE) Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy, which aims to integrate sustainability into the education system and prepare young people for the challenges and opportunities of climate change.

Crucially, however, the innovative campaign positions children as the primary catalysts for change, inspiring the next generation to lead the way in sustainability.
Gary said: “We want to amplify the voices of children and young people in the environmental movement, ensuring they are heard and heeded by decision-makers at all levels—from headteachers to global corporations.

This isn’t merely about numbers; it’s about recognising our important role in the environmental ecosystem and taking decisive, informed actions. By giving young people the knowledge and tools to help combat climate change, we can help reduce their anxiety about the future and equip them to make better, more sustainable decisions as they grow.”
He continued: “We’re extremely thankful for the support from Net Zero Buildings, which significantly strengthens the next phase of our mission. Together, we can create a positive, lasting impact on both our environment and the well-being of future generations.”

For Net Zero Buildings, partnering with P4P was a perfect fit. Motivated by the pioneering organisation’s commitment to creating sustainable, net-zero spaces, their goals aligned perfectly with their own mission to leave a positive impact on the world for generations to come.

Dan Allison, Director at Net Zero Buildings said : “We are deeply committed to promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions and it has been hugely exciting to collaborate with Points4Planet.

“This partnership is a reflection of our shared commitment to sustainability and educational excellence. Through our work with P4P, we aim to extend our expertise in creating net-zero educational spaces that are not only energy-efficient but also tailored to the evolving needs of both students and the environment.”

David Triggs, Chairman of P4P added: “And our ultimate goal? To see every one of the 32,000 schools in the UK join this transformative movement.”

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