How to Generate Income for Your School

How to Generate Income for Your School

Schools are experiencing unprecedented difficulties with funding. Many are faced with trying to educate more students with less money. There is increasing reliance on parents to raise necessary funds, but resources can only be stretched so far.

In order to meet the basic educational needs of their students, schools are having to cut funding for pastoral care, mental health support and extra-curricular activities, which is simply not acceptable. Unlike businesses, schools have very limited means to generate additional income, so what can they do?

Energy efficiency

One of the key areas where schools can reduce significant cost is by reviewing their energy source and consumption. Many of the school buildings currently in use were constructed in the 1970’s and are costly to run, with little scope for increasing efficiency.

Small changes in practice, such as switching off equipment when not in use, or improving building insulation will make a small difference. However, these pale into insignificance compared to the cost savings and increased efficiency that can be achieved with a complete overhaul on energy production and use.

Carbon neutral buildings

At NetZero, we are dedicated to helping schools meet their running costs and provide a healthy learning environment for students. Our Schoolhaus buildings have been designed and delivered to over a hundred schools, which have experienced the many benefits that traditional builds simply cannot offer.

Our buildings are manufactured off-site, which means lower cost and less disruption to the school site. An entire classroom block can be assembled in a matter of days. This is great news for head-teachers, but the real magic lies in their on-going return on investment, which is helping to challenge the financial strain schools are facing.

Schoolhaus buildings are fitted with solar panels, covering the entire roof – generating enough power to run themselves and very often other school buildings too. In fact, a solar panel array of 29kW can generate £5,000 for a school each year, with any surplus energy being sold back to the national grid.

Leading by example

Installing buildings that generate clean energy and additional revenue sets a great example to students – putting into practice what they are taught about energy efficiency and sustainability. Their innovative design means they are airtight, all but eliminating heat loss and preventing harmful pollutants from entering.

Students benefit from filtered fresh air and brighter, more efficient lighting. In addition, the build process eliminates waste, with any leftover materials being recycled or reused. This truly is the future for schools that want to create a healthy learning environment, save money and generate valuable income to invest elsewhere.

We are proud to put our name to the following benefits:

  • Solar panels produce energy and income for the school
  • 90% of heat is recovered and recycled
  • 50% reduction in lighting costs
  • Leftover materials are used to power our factory

This is how we are helping schools to meet their financial needs and reverse the effects of environmental damage – building a brighter future for their students.

To talk to us about how we can help your school reduce costs and generate income, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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