4 net zero energy lessons

4 net zero energy lessons

With reductions in funding adding increasing pressure to school budgets, making energy efficiency savings can be considered as a viable method to generate income. Providing a sustainable environment for future generations and a state-of-the-art learning experience for teaching and pupils, is something schools should consider within their development.

We design and construct the UK’s most energy efficient school buildings, which run at a fraction of the cost of alternative solutions.

How our buildings are classified net zero

Our modern, energy efficient and cost-effective buildings have been designed to provide schools with a viable alternative to traditional buildings, and have been classified as zero carbon emissive, due to 4 key net zero energy factors:

1 – Recycled air. The Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery (MVHR) system we use is state-of-the-art technology; combining comfort with economy. Heat is removed from the stale air before it is expelled and used to pre-warm the fresh air as it is supplied. The MVHR heat exchange plates are able to recover and recycle over 90% of the heat in the building.

2 – Lighting. We include the very latest efficient low-energy T5 fluorescent and LED lighting systems in our buildings. This advancement in technology means higher light levels from fewer watts, which results in a 50% reduction in lighting costs.

3 – Solar panels. The roofs of our buildings are covered in solar photovoltaic panels. This is used to power the Schoolhaus building as well as others within the school grounds. Schools can then generate their own energy, and any that is not used can be sold back to the grid; generating further income for the school.

4 – Recycling. Educating children on the importance of recycling is essential, so not only are the buildings we produce done so in an energy efficient way, all the unused materials are being used to power our own factory.

In an independent study from the University of East Anglia, out of the top 30 energy efficient school buildings in the UK, 29 of them are a Schoolhaus building, being given an A+ EPC rating.

How you can make your school carbon neutral?

It is important for the education sector to ensure a precedent is set for students to follow. Taking responsibility for ensuring your school building is environmentally friendly and energy efficient is vital. We’ve outlined some simple steps to help you start your carbon neutral journey:

Motion control lights. Motion controls are incorporated into all of our buildings, preventing lights being left on unnecessarily. This simple and cost-effective solution can be easily installed and reduce energy bills.

Insulation. Make sure the roofs of your school buildings are well insulated, particularly in older buildings where the heat can escape more easily.

Traffic. Having a reduced traffic site will reduce CO2 emissions. Many schools now work in line with the Walk to School scheme, where pupils are rewarded for choosing to travel to school by foot rather than car.

With our design, we’re able to construct the majority of the building off-site meaning fewer vehicle movements. This results in having up to 90% fewer vehicle movements on site, reducing disruption, congestion and carbon emissions.

Leading by example shows students that the school is taking measurable actions in order to reduce the impact of global warming. Having a positive attitude to recycling, explaining the benefits of an air filtration system in Science lessons and allowing pupils to actively participate in solving the energy crisis, plants important seeds for future environmental growth.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how partnering with Net Zero Buildings could benefit your school income and pupil experience, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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